
finally who know the difference B/w soul and body he is meditator............

Protect the Ozone that will protect You.......

Dont use Fridge and other floro chloro carbon related items otherwise the total ozone layer will damaged that will make a dangers problem on us..........................
Below shown is ozone hole .this pic wad taken by 2009 and now it was very big..........
because of this only the heat in this winter also looks like summer.

Happy Gandhi jayanthi....Own creativity.....

Happy Gandhi

How is this.......My creativity........

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Scientific studies of various fields

Scientific studies of various fields

acarology-- study of mites
accidence-- grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
aceology-- therapeutics
acology -- study of medical remedies
acoustics -- science of sound
adenology -- study of glands
aedoeology -- science of generative organs
aerobiology -- study of airborne organisms
aerodonetics-- science or study of gliding
aerodynamics -- dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
bacteriology -- study of bacteria
balneology -- the science of the therapeutic use of baths
barodynamics-- science of the support and mechanics of bridges
barology-- study of gravitation
batology-- the study of brambles
bibliology-- study of books
bibliotics-- study of documents to determine authenticity
bioecology-- study of interaction of life in the environment
biology -- study of life
biometrics-- study of biological measurement
bionomics-- study of organisms interacting in their environments
botany-- study of plants
bromatology -- study of food
brontology -- scientific study of thunder
campanology-- the art of bell ringing
carcinology-- study of crabs and other crustaceans
cardiology-- study of the heart
caricology-- study of sedges
carpology -- study of fruit
cartography -- the science of making maps and globes
cartophily-- the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
castrametation -- the art of designing a camp
catacoustics--science of echoes or reflected sounds
catalactics-- science of commercial exchange
catechectics -- the art of teaching by question and answer
cetology -- study of whales and dolphins
chalcography-- the art of engraving on copper or brass
chalcotriptics-- art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
chaology -- the study of chaos or chaos theory
characterology -- study of development of character
chemistry-- study of properties of substances
chirocosmetics-- beautifying the hands; art of manicure
diabology-- study of devils
diagraphics-- art of making diagrams or drawings
dialectology -- study of dialects
dioptrics -- study of light refraction
diplomatics -- science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
diplomatology-- study of diplomats
docimology-- the art of assaying
dosiology-- the study of doses
dramaturgy -- art of producing and staging dramatic works

E to I

Egyptology-- study of ancient Egypt
ekistics-- study of human settlement
electrochemistry-- study of relations between electricity and chemicals
electrology -- study of electricity
electrostatics-- study of static electricity
embryology-- study of embryos
emetology -- study of vomiting
emmenology -- the study of menstruation
endemiology-- study of local diseases
endocrinology-- study of glands
enigmatology-- study of enigmas
entomology-- study of insects
entozoology-- study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
enzymology-- study of enzymes
ephebiatrics-- branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
epidemiology-- study of diseases; epidemics
fluviology -- study of watercourses
folkloristics-- study of folklore and fables
futurology-- study of future
garbology-- study of garbage
gastroenterology -- study of stomach; intestines
gastronomy-- study of fine dining
gemmology-- study of gems and jewels
genealogy-- study of descent of families
genesiology-- study of reproduction and heredity
genethlialogy-- the art of casting horoscopes
geochemistry-- study of chemistry of the earth's crust
geochronology--- study of measuring geological time
geogeny-- science of the formation of the earth's crust
geogony-- study of formation of the earth
geography-- study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
geology -- study of earth's crust
geomorphogeny-- study of the origins of land forms
geoponics-- study of Agriculture
hydrography-- study of investigating bodies of water
hydrokinetics-- study of motion of fluids
hydrology-- study of water resources
hydrometeorology-- study of atmospheric moisture
hydropathy -- study of treating diseases with water
hyetology-- science of rainfall
hygiastics -- science of health and hygiene
hygienics-- study of sanitation; health
hygiology-- hygienics; study of cleanliness
hygrology-- study of humidity
hygrometry -- science of humidity
hymnography-- study of writing hymns
hymnology -- study of hymns
hypnology-- study of sleep; study of hypnosis
hypsography-- science of measuring heights
iamatology -- study of remedies
iatrology-- treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
iatromathematics-- archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
ichnography-- art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
ichnology-- science of fossilized footprints
ichthyology-- study of Fish
iconography-- study of drawing symbols
iconology-- study of icons; symbols
ideogeny-- study of origins of ideas
ideology -- science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
idiomology-- study of idiom, jargon or dialect
idiopsychology-- psychology of one's own mind
immunogenetics-- study of genetic characteristics of immunity
immunology-- study of immunity
immunopathology-- study of immunity to disease
insectology -- study of insects
irenology -- the study of peace

K to O

koniology -- study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
ktenology -- science of putting people to death
kymatology -- study of wave motion
labeorphily-- collection and study of beer bottle labels
larithmics-- study of population statistics
laryngology -- study of larynx
lepidopterology -- study of butterflies and moths
leprology-- study of leprosy
lexicology -- study of words and their meanings
lexigraphy-- art of definition of words
lichenology -- study of lichens
limacology-- study of slugs
limnobiology-- study of freshwater ecosystems
limnology -- study of bodies of fresh water
linguistics -- study of language
lithology-- malariology study of malaria
mammalogy-- study of mammals
manège-- the art of horsemanship
Mariology-- study of the Virgin Mary
martyrology-- study of martyrs
mastology-- study of mammals
mathematics-- study of magnitude, number, and forms
mazology-- mammalogy; study of mammals
mechanics -- study of action of force on bodies
meconology-- study of or treatise concerning opium
melittology -- study of bees
mereology-- study of part-whole relationships
mesology -- ecology
metallogeny-- study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
metallography-- study of the structure and constitution of metals
metallurgy-- study of alloying and treating metals
nidology -- study of nests
nomology-- the science of the laws; especially of the mind
noology-- science of the intellect
nosology -- study of diseases
nostology-- study of senility
notaphily-- collecting of bank-notes and cheques
numerology -- study of numbers
numismatics-- study of coins
nymphology-- study of nymphs
obstetrics-- study of midwifery
oceanography-- study of oceans
oceanology -- study of oceans
odology -- science of the hypothetical mystical force of od
odontology-- study of teeth
oenology-- study of wines
oikology -- science of housekeeping
olfactology-- study of the sense of smell
ombrology -- study of rain
oncology -- study of tumours
oneirology -- study of dreams
orthography-- study of spelling
orthopterology-- study of cockroaches
oryctology -- mineralogy or paleontology
osmics-- scientific study of smells
osmology-- study of smells and olfactory processes
osphresiology-- study of the sense of smell
osteology -- study of bones
otology -- study of the ear
otorhinolaryngology-- study of ear, nose and throat

P to T

paedology-- study of children
paedotrophy-- art of rearing children
paidonosology-- study of children's diseases; pediatrics
palaeoanthropology-- study of early humans
palaeobiology -- study of fossil plants and animals
palaeoclimatology-- study of ancient climates
palaeolimnology-- study of ancient Fish
palaeolimnology-- study of ancient lakes
palaeontology-- study of fossils
philately-- study of postage stamps
philematology -- the act or study of kissing
phillumeny-- collecting of matchbox labels
philology -- study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
philosophy-- science of knowledge or wisdom
phoniatrics -- study and correction of speech defects
phonology -- study of speech sounds
psychology-- study of mind
psychopathology-- study of mental illness
psychophysics-- study of link between mental and physical processes
pteridology -- study of ferns
pterylology -- study of distribution of feathers on birds
pyretology -- study of fevers
pyrgology -- study of towers
pyroballogy-- study of artillery
pyrography-- study of woodburning
quinology -- study of quinine
raciology-- study of racial differences
radiology-- study of X-rays and their medical applications
reflexology-- study of reflexes
rhabdology -- knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
rhabdology -- art of calculating using numbering rods
rheology -- science of the deformation or flow of matter
rheumatology-- study of rheumatism
rhinology-- study of the nose
rhochrematics-- science of inventory management and the movement of products
runology -- study of runes
sarcology-- study of fleshy parts of the body
satanology -- study of the devil
scatology-- study of excrement or obscene literature
schematonics-- art of using gesture to express tones
sciagraphy-- art of shading
scripophily -- collection of bond and share certificates
sedimentology -- study of sediment
seismology -- study of earthquakes
selenodesy-- study of the shape and features of the moon
selenology-- study of the moon
semantics -- study of meaning
semantology-- science of meanings of words
semasiology-- study of meaning; semantics
topology-- study of places and their natural features
toponymics-- study of place-names
toreutics -- study of artistic work in metal
toxicology -- study of poisons
toxophily -- love of archery; archery; study of archery
traumatology-- study of wounds and their effects
tribology -- study of friction and wear between surfaces
trichology-- study of hair and its disorders
trophology-- study of nutrition
tsiganology-- study of gypsies
turnery-- art of turning in a lathe
typhlology-- study of blindness and the blind
typography-- art of printing or using type
typology-- study of types of things

U to Z

ufology-- study of alien spacecraft
uranography-- descriptive astronomy and mapping
uranology-- study of the heavens; astronomy
urbanology-- study of cities
urenology-- study of rust molds
urology -- study of urine; urinary tract
venereology-- study of venereal disease
vermeology-- study of worms
vexillology-- study of flags
victimology-- study of victims
vinology -- scientific study of vines and winemaking
virology-- study of viruses
vitrics-- glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware
volcanology -- study of volcanoes
vulcanology-- study of volcanoes
xylography-- art of engraving on wood
xylology -- study of wood
zenography-- study of the planet Jupiter
zoiatrics-- veterinary surgery
zooarchaeology-- study of animal remains of archaeological sites
zoochemistry-- chemistry of animals
zoogeography-- study of geographic distribution of animals
zoogeology -- study of fossil animal remains
zoology-- study of animals
zoonomy-- animal physiology
zoonosology-- study of animal diseases
zoopathology-- study of animal diseases
zoophysics-- physics of animal bodies
zoophysiology -- study of physiology of animals
zoophytology-- study of plant-like animals
zoosemiotics-- study of animal communication
zootaxy-- science of classifying animals
zootechnics-- science of breeding animals
zygology -- science of joining and fastening
zymology -- science of fermentation
zymurgy-- branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling

Cricket legends

Did You Know this Cricketer  ????????????
Hint : Indian Cricket Captain

Don Bradman

Adam Gilchrist

Sachin Tendulkar

Sourav Ganguly(DADA)

Rahul Dravid

Kapil Dev


Muttaiah Muralidharan

Imran Khan

Jaques Kallis

Sunil Gavaskar

Anil Kumble

Dennis lillee

Ricky Ponting

Shane warne

Brian Lara

Wasim Akram

Steve Waugh

Organizations and their Headquarters

********* Organizations and their Headquarters **********

1. UNO - New York
2. WTO - Geneva
3. UNESCO - Paris
4. WHO - Geneva
UNICEF - New York 
6. UNFPA - New York
7. ILO - Geneva
8. IMF - Washington DC
UNIDO - Vienna
10.Food and Agricultural Organisation - Rome 
11. International Atomic Energy Agency - Vienna
Amnesty International - London
13. International Committee of theRed Cross - Geneva
14. International Maritime Organisation - London
International Renewable Energy Agency - Abu Dhabi (UAE)
16. International Court Of Justice -The Hague
17. World Meteorological Organisation - Geneva
World Intellectual Property Organization - Geneva
19. World Bank - Washington D.C.
20. Transparency International - Berlin
21. SAARC - Kathmandu
22. Universal Postal Union - Berne
(Interim HQs)
23. Commonwealth of Nations -London

Important for Rbi and Nicl Exams....

*************** Important for Rbi and Nicl Exams....*************

1. Repo Rate: 7.25%
2. Reverse repo Rate: 6.25%
3. CRR – 4%
4. SLR – 23%
5. Bank Rate – 8.25%
6. MSF (Marginal Standing Rate)– 8.25%

Top 10 Population countries

*********** Top 10 Population countries ************

1. China 1,347,350,000
2. India 1,210,193,000
3. USA 313,686,000
4. Indonesia 237,641,000
5. Brazil 192,376,000
6. Pakistan 179,764,000
7. Nigeria 162,471,000
8. Russia 143,100,000
9. Bangladesh 142,319,000
10. Japan 127,610,200

Maths tricks

Maths trick -

Finding the square root of 2-digit numbers ending in 1
Follow the following Steps:

>Select a 2-digit number and square it.
>Drop the last two digits of the square.
>Find the largest square root of the remaining digits.
>This is first digit of the squareroot.
>The second digit is 1.


>If the square is 2601:
>Drop the last two digits: 26
>Find the largest root in 26: 5 × 5 = 25
>The first digit is 5. The second digit is 1.
>So the square root of 2601 is 51.


>If the square is 8281:
>Drop the last two digits: 82
>Find the largest root in 82: 9 × 9 = 81
>The first digit is 9. The second digit is 1.
>So the square root of 8281 is 91.

Interesting Facts about Human Body

Interesting Facts about Human Body

1.) Eyes: You Blink about 20000 times a day.

2.) Hair: Hair grows about .5 mm (.02 in) a day.

3.) Mouth: You will produce 37,800 l of saliva in your life.

4.) Cells: There are 50 trillion cells in your body and 3 billion of them die every minute.

5.) Nerves: Your body has about 13000000000000 nerve calls, transmitting message at speed of 290 km/hr.

6.) Brain power: You lose 100000 brain cells every day! The main thing is that you have 100 billion altogether. If surface area of your brain could be ironed out it would measure 2090

7.) Heartbeats: Your heart pumps 13640 L of blood around your body in a day. An average heartbeat rate per minutes of our body is 70 beats and this will adds more than 100000 beats a day.

8.) Urine : You will pass 400 to 2000 ml of urine every day, depending on your age, your size and outside conditions, especially temperature.

9.) Chemicals: There is enough carbon in your body to fill 900 pencils, enough Fat to make 75 candles, enough phosphorous to make 220 match heads and enough iron to make a 7.5 cm nail.

10.) Can you overdose on vitamins? Overdosing on some vitamins can have serious side effects.

Vitamin A: Doses of more than 3752 mg can lead to liver damage, hair losses and headaches.

Vitamin B6: Doses of more than 400mg can cause numbness in the mouth.

Vitamin C: Stomach ache can be caused due to high doses of Vitamin C.

Vitamin D: Daily doses of 600 mg can interfere with the functioning of muscles.
Niacin: Doses of upto 2000 mg are prescribe to
help lower cholesterol but this could cause
jaundice and liver damage.

11.) Tea Or Coffee? The two main constituents of tea are“caffeine and tannin”. A tea bag contains about 40 mg of caffeine and brewed tea about 30mg. Tea also contains useful fluorides, volatile oils and Vitamin B.

“Caffeine” is the main constituent of coffee. A cup of brewed coffee contains about 80 mg of caffeine and instant coffee about 60 mg. Medical studies show that heavy caffeine use (more than 500 mg/day) may cause harmful physiological effects. A cup of tea or coffee (without sugar and milk) contains about 16KJ of energy.

12.) Fingers: Our fingers are so sensitive that they can detect a vibration with a movement of 0.02 cm. Our “finger nails” grow at the rate of about 0.05 mm in a week and hair about 3 mm in a week

You know ????

 *********  5 TECH FACTS  ********

1. The Internet is the fastest-growing tool of communication ever. It took radio broadcasters 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million, television 13 years and the Internet just 4 years.

2. The United States generates more ewaste than any other nation.

3. The first e-mail was sent over the Internet in 1972.

4. The electric chair was invented by a dentist, Alfred Southwick.

5. As much as 80% of microwaves from mobile phones are absorbed by our head.

Companies and abbrevations

Abbreviation of major IT companies.......!!!
GOOGLE :- Global Organisation Of Oriented
Group Language of Earth
APPLE:- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment
HP :- Hewlett-Packard
IBM:- International Business Machines
HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited
WIPRO:- Western India Product Limited
GE:-General Electronics
INFOSYS:-Information System
TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services
AOL:- American Online
BPL:- British Process Laboratory
INTEL:- Integrated Electronics
CISCO:- Computer Information System Company
DELL:- michael DELL
SONY:-Sound Of New York
AMD:- Advance micro devices
LENOVO:- LE(Legend),NOVO(New)
COMPAQ:- Compatibility And Quality

Animals with their names










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Wish You Wellth


Vestige is a 9 years old company. Its an Indian company based in New Delhi. It has grown all over india more than 36 Branch Offices it has. it is the only indian company which has went offshores.. like Nepal, Dubai, it has started working in other Russian countries and south african.. day by day it spreading wellness into a huge scale. As our company has its own manufacturing plants. We manufacture all our products international quality standards. 

This is the innovative product based business which i have see till now.. through which i am earning a permanent income around 40K monthly in 8 months.. and for sure.. my income will be a Lakh in coming next 1 year.... In our business there are people who are earning 42 Lakhs P.M, 18 Lakhs, 2 Lakhs.. and in Thousands also people earn.

Try these products and u will know the results. We are into Healthcare, Personal Care, Oral Care & Consumables. 

Every person will purchase atleast personal care products from outside market.. like brush, paste, soaps, shampoo's, deo's creams etc... like these so many products we purchase from the market. we do not earn a single penny in return.. here in Vestige there is a opportunity where we can purchase the products in Dealer Price... not in MRP.... we get 10-20% benefits..and also.. what ever we have purchase the products company will generate some income in return and give it to us. only.

Regarding the business i  have designed the business plan in such a way.. that We can  EARN 2.4 LACS P.M with just spending 800 to 1000 Rs. Per Month on Personal Care Products. that too in 5 months period. 

Friends as i tell u every one has atleast 6 good friends in there life.... . and those 6 friends we need to recommend to join in the family of vestige. ever person should have the responsibility to Join 6 friends and see that they purchase monthly 800 - 1000 Rupess worth products.. that's all.. with in no time u start earning money.

and ask them to join another 6 friends each . so that it has to go 4 levels.. 

Level - 1 - 6     - Month 1
Level - 2 - 36  -  Month 2
Level - 3 -216  - Month 3
Level - 4 - 1296 - Month 4

Total Becomes 1555 Members within short time..  if these people purchase products worth 800-1000 Rs. u will start earning from 20Rs. to 2 lacs p.m.. in the starting period.. the income is low.. but when u grow u income will also grow. 

Just they need to purchase 800-1000 Rs. Products. 

Friends in this business there is no liability.. we buy product and we spend money on that product. so clear transaction. no risk at all. infact there is no Investment at all.

As i believe the person who invest and do the business are fools and the person who don't invest and do the business are Genius.. 

They are many people who invest money in many schemes, but there is totally risk we will not even able to make it clear that after investing we will earn money or not... here is an opportunity without investing we are earning money.. 

To tell about my self.. i have invested more than 3 Lakhs rupees in these Online investments, Ads, Data Entry, Binary plans and many things.. but at last i did'nt even earn a Single penny and i have lost all the amounts.. some time company runs away, somtime wht ever work i do night and day... they will never pay me promptly.. like that many things has happened.. but atlast i am really happy to say that i have got a right path.. which i am in.. i am helping many people developing in this path.

Right now there are many investment scams running online... people invest there and losse money.. just think for a movement.. here there is no investment but still can earn income in lakhs... that too creating a small network. 

So start doing vestige and earn wellth... not income.. income any person will earn but earning Wellth is not every person's Cup of Tea. 

As bill gates said if u r born poor its not ur mistake but if u die poor it is ur mistake.. 

The website name is (Go to this website to see our products)

Join Vestige.. and Start Creating ur Future.... Come lets grow together... 

Feel free to call me.. on my mobile for further discussion.  - +91-8099991582.

One thing i will say in the End, Every person wants good life, wants to satisfy there family with all the facilities & Luxuries.. but one thing they must have... i.e., THE HUNGER TO COME UP IN LIFE>>>> SO WAKE UP>>>> I WILL SHOW HOW TO COME UP.... Lets GROW TOGETHER.... 

Ph : +91-8099991582

Ad 1

Without any investment can earn a good income what u have dreamed off

People invest money and do business and these people are not sure that they will make profit or loss.

But here I am showing an opportunity for the people where no investment required but still u could earn
People can’t earn money through hard work and 95% of the people do hard work. Whereas there must be smart work involved then only you could earn wealth. 

Always think like rich then only u will become rich. 
A Product based business where we deal in Health care, Personal Care, Oral Care, Consumables & Agri.

Before you throw off this opportunity please go through some points which are fact

Health Care : - Most of the people are prone to diseases let it be your family, relatives or any one and these diseases occur due to lack of inadequate nutrition and today’s date let it be Young & Old every person requires Nutrition because everyone is health conscious wants to live long for their family. Prevention is better than Cure. You could play a key role in saving someone’s Health with a small help.

Personal Care: - We are having a range of personal care products which are affordable who could buy their regular personal care things and also earn income in return for their personal use and our products are international quality standards.

The only thing you need to do is very simple you need to use our products if you are comfortable then share our products with your closed one’s that’s it within in no time you will start making income.

By seeing all these don’t prejudge that this is some sales job or something, first of all I would like to say that this is not at all sales job and we are not sales persons, we are doing Business, we are smart workers and we need to work smart by applying little bit of workout in the starting phase.

Employee, Employers, Salaried Individuals, Business People, Teachers, Agents Especially Housewives and any layman can do this business no qualification required, anyone can do this business from anywhere let it be from home or office. All are Welcome.

To become successful you need to have success in order to have success you need to have confident upon yourself, have a goal in your mind, Have a dream and live for that dream.

Today you are not interested but your friend or relatives could be interested and they could grab this opportunity before you and reach in higher position so why wait for them why can’t you grab this opportunity first. 

How much you could make income in this business, but it depends on you, how much your thought process could make that much you could make let it be thousands or lakhs P.M. because many people are earning in this business for an e.g :- A Driver is earning more than a lakh P.M why can’t you make what’s the difference between you and him the only thing is he has a goal and you don’t have. Now you could justify the potential in this business.

Don’t Think a lot, In this world most of the people think a lot but people who think less and apply action they only come up in life.

Give it a try, there is nothing wrong in trying things, there is a saying that out of thousands of people 1 diamond will shine and that diamond it could be you. 

Some people say I don’t have time for all this but ask yourself are you making lakhs or crores so that you don’t have time. In order to become successful you need to take out time then only you could achieve what you have dreamed off. In this business you are your own boss and you could work at any convenient hours of your own. 

Still not interested, please feel free to recommend others so that your HELP could change his life. Share it with everyone.

Always think positive then only positive things will happen. 

Hurry up Grab this opportunity before someone else 

Don’t Think, Don’t Wait, CALL ME Immediately 8099991582

One thing i will say in the End, Every person wants good life, wants to satisfy there family with all the facilities & Luxuries.. but one thing they must have... i.e., THE HUNGER TO COME UP IN LIFE>>>> SO WAKE UP>>>> I WILL SHOW HOW TO COME UP.... Lets GROW TOGETHER.

Plant a tree and make ur life green and memorable..
Please save the plants......................